Installation, Performance, Composition, Sound design etc..

Voice Landscape Series (2009- )
VOICE LANDSCAPE PROJECTS (2009- ) is the sound installation series in which recorded voice of the artist such as onomatopoeia and lip noises are electrically transformed into presence of insect and natural phenomenon on computer in concord with natural environment. In this project Oikawa attempted to pursue the expression of new presence beyond the border from existing life by recorded voice. The project was exhibited in the digital art biennale, "BAINS NUMERIQUES #8" held in France, 2014 and won the critic award.
Growing Verse No.1 (2007 / 2016- )
This project from Oikawa attempts to establish sonic semantics and seeks new means of communication between people via music and gestures. The project was premiered in the digital art biennale, "BAINS NUMERIQUES #9" held in France, 2016 and won the award for "EDIGMA Semibreve" in Portugal, 2016.

Bell Fantasia (2012)
Bell Fantasia is commissioned for the opening ceremony of Festival European Church Music 2012 organized by Schwaebisch Gmuend in Germany with the theme of "Home and Abroad". Through the field work, Oikawa recorded sounds of bells of 11 churches that surrounding the town of Schwaebisch Gmuend, voice of choirs and sound scape of the town. In 2013, It won the 1st prize for the QWARTZ MUSIC AWARD - experimentation category in France.

Electric Guitar Experiment (2014- )
Oikawa started expressing with electric guitar and sound program based on experience as rock band guitarist. He is developing an immersive and meditative concert project with an aerial melody and a noise sound project based on a special rendition style. In 2016 he received a commission from the Bremen modern electronic music organization "Rapid Ear Movement" as a new work and premiered in collaboration with Norbert Möslang, a Swiss music experimental master. In the solo exhibition held at Kyoto Honnen-in in 2015, He deployed a sound spectacle in the garden as a live-installation with "Voice Landscape". In 2017, released 28 minutes of improvisation of noise "Internal Static" .

AR Sound Direction
Sound design direction for the work of the contemporary artist Nicolas Buffe, in collaboration with LM 3LABS. He recorded sound materials and processed them to create sound texture and surround-sound-composition.

Resonant Garden (2018)
Resonant Garden is a sound installation specialized for urban design. Oikawa’s two works, one with the organic sound that resonates with the natural environment and tranquility, and the other is the participatory work that integrates synergistic effects of interaction between people, sound, and space, will eventually create different landscape and experience in the day and night.

Plastic Recollections Series (2005- )
"Plastic Recollections series" is the sound project Oikawa has started since 2005, to find various "sound world" produced from the noises of a single recorded object, and structure them organically in the space. He has presented several compositions made with clattering sound of MD, friction of a cement block, melting sound of polystyrene foams, Snare drum and so on.
Acoustic-Space Performance
One of the Oikawa’s performance style is formed mainly with multiple of speakers symmetrically-placed to encircle an exhibition space and with real-time manipulation of stereophonic-space realized from this system via controller/mixer-faders to play "acoustic space”. He develops his interpretation of “space in sounds (time-axis)” fixed in a computer by playing it as an instrumental performer plays what is fixed on musical scores.

Phono Alchemy (2003- )
Phonological-Composition deals with the question of how recorded sounds and recorded voices in acoustic structures can be mapped and how concrete and synthetic sounds can be integrated by phonological effects. In this work acoustic texture and movement are represented graphically as acoustic scenes, creating whole view of the world original. As if sounds constantly transform themselves and emerge as series of images in the space as words, phrase, punctuation and interval. And haptic, literary abstract sensation that can be experienced with their transformation will construct prosody with acoustic texture and compose new language and phrases.
Link to Landscape Project (2017-)
Various information of the installation environment sensed and accumulated by the sensor interactively acts on sound generation and time structure and has a sustainable role connecting people and the environment.

Reminiscence (2007)
Sound × Enterprise